
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Policy

Daiichikigyo Corporation (DK) provides comprehensive facility services including not only business infrastructure services for facilities but also support services for customers’ staff and businesses.
In recognition of the fact that our business activities are closely related to environmental health and safety, we carry out our activities based on the following Code of Conduct in order to fulfill our responsibilities to society and increase our corporate value.
Code of Conduct
We comply with environmental laws and regulations, laws and regulations on occupational health and safety, and other requirements to which DK has agreed.
We carry out continual verification and improvement targeting business flows, business cycles, and other aspects of our quality-assurance system, to address topics and issues in everyday activities.
We promote efforts to lessen the environmental impact of our activities and services and to prevent pollution.
We use risk assessment to eliminate and reduce risks and hazards in our business activities, striving to ensure the safety of our customers and employees.
We consider the following to be a priority theme of our activities among the environmental health and safety factors related to our activities and services:
(1) We strive to improve the quality of our everyday operations related to environmental health and safety and to deliver customer satisfaction
(2) We strive to conserve energy and other resources and to prevent global warming
(3) We work to promote employee health and make workplaces more comfortable
We ensure a thorough understanding of this EHS Policy among employees and both inside and outside the company.
August 1st, 2011 Daiichikigyo Corporation
President & CEO  Ken Tsujioka  

Environmental Policy
